a solution of milk and water

This is wonderful:

Judy Doerr, the science teacher for middle school students at Pawleys Island Christian Academy (PICA), says she is very pleased with this year’s science fair projects.

Hunter Bass, a seventh-grade student, did her project on “Testing Behavioral Incentives.” She talked to preschoolers and teachers to find out if there was a difference in what motivates boys versus girls.

“I found out that boys respond more to prizes, while girls liked hugs more,” Bass said.

She won third place in the Behavioral Science category.

good for her. but can we do better?

Brian Benson, an eighth-grade student who won first place in the Life Science/Biology category for his project “Creation Wins!!!,” says he disproved part of the theory of evolution.

Using a rolled-up paper towel suspended between two glasses of water with Epsom Salts, the paper towel formed stalactites. He states that the theory that they take millions of years to develop is incorrect.

“Scientists say it takes millions of years to form stalactites,” Benson said. “However, in only a couple of hours, I have formed stalactites just by using paper towel and Epsom Salts.”


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